Interdiction de fumer

L’interdiction de fumer sur le lieu de travail ou dans un lieu public est souvent clairement matérialisée par un affichage spécifique :

C’est aussi un sujet abordé dans cette publicité :

Voici un extrait du règlement intérieur de l’université de Notre Dame, Indiana, USA :

The University of Notre Dame prohibits all smoking in or within 25 feet of all buildings and stadiums, as well as in all vehicles owned, leased or operated by the University. This includes the smoking of tobacco in any form, and the use of electronic devices that emit smoke, such as e-cigarettes. (…)

The sale, distribution and advertisement of all products described in this policy are prohibited on campus. (…)

Complaints about violators of this policy or air quality resulting from the above should be brought to the attention of the building representative or person responsible for the area in which the violation occurred. (…)